Being mugged can be a horrible and terrifying experience. Muggers victimize innocent people who they feel will not be a threat. This is usually perpetrated on side streets, in dark alleys or empty sidewalks. Victims of mugging commonly experience some form of shock after the incident.
Even though police perform round the clock patrolling, they cannot be in every place all the time. The best defense against being mugged is being aware of your surroundings.
When walking alone, try to dress casually without any flashy jewelry. Muggers can spot victims carrying valuables with them. Walking with headphones and listening to music may also entice a mugger to take you by surprise. As well, it is always best to choose a path near curbs and facing traffic. That way, you have strategic position that allows you to see what is on all sides, and prevents someone from trolling beside you in a car.
Mugging is less likely to happen when many people are around. Choose routes that are well populated with good lighting.
When going to a new place, its always good to map out the way beforehand. A Person who appears lost appears as a target. Walk briskly and appear to be with a purpose in order to intimidate attackers. Whenever possible, travel with a group of people.
Mugging can happen to anybody, at any place. You should always be prepared in the event of an attack. When sensing that someone is following, head immediately towards a crowded area. Make noise to attract attention. Be ready to defend self by applying any skills or self-defense training, and have your person self defense weapons ready to disable assailant such as stun gun or pepper spray.
The Stun Gun
There are reliable stun guns available on the market today such as the Stun Master stun gun. Stun Master stun guns have passed extensive testing. They are among the most reliable and trusted for self-defense.
Stunmaster stun guns do not carry enough amperage to be lethal, but they transmit enough voltage to incapacitate even the largest assailants, without inflicting any permanent damage on them.
Stun guns operate by discarding electrical charges into the nervous system. The nervous system, which has its own electrical signals, becomes confused disorienting the attacker. When the stun gun is applied for a second or more, it will create disabling muscle spasms. The longer the application the more imbalance and disorientation.
The stun gun has physiological effect on a person, but does not inflict any long-term damage; making it safer than regular firearms.
Criminality is part of society, and safety is a personal responsibility. In order not to be a victim of mugging, people should take all the necessary safety measures of avoidance. When attacked is imminent, apply all the practical means of self-defense and be ready with a personal pepper spray or stun gun.